Donating to SASSAk12
No matter how small or large, when you give a monetary gift, you become a member of our community.
Welcome to SASSAk12 and thank you!
Help Our Community Grow and Diversify!
Monthly Donations Tiers
Bare Rock: Laying the Important Groundwork
The exposure of bare rock is a key component in the development of any ecological community from which stable and diverse ecosystems can emerge.
At this level of contribution, you are laying the vital groundwork to support SASSAk12 infrastructure. These donations ensure that the foundation of the SASSAk12 organization can support our continuing development and growth.
Do not underestimate the incredible significance of these donations! No matter the quantity, your donation is deeply appreciated by all those involved in SASSAk12.
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Pioneer Species: Paving the Way for Greater Growth
The first plants to arrive are typically mosses and lichen. Though small in stature, they are both capable of making a huge impact! Lichen evolved due to an unlikely cooperation between fungi and algae, while moss serves as home to any number of tiny organisms (like water bears!), but both are necessary to begin converting bare rock to soil… a vital step before other plants may take root and grow!
Your contribution will go directly to funding vital supplies required to successfully bring our modules into the classroom and the community!
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Grasses & Shrubs: Planting the Seeds for the Future
Grasses and shrubs are the first to put down roots and produce flowers and fruits to encourage more diverse wildlife to join the community. In doing so, soil becomes far richer, and habitat slowly becomes shadier and more welcoming for those looking for a safe refuge, including many birds and insects.
At this level of contribution, you will take the next step in opening up space and opportunities for more collaborative engagement and outreach as part of the SASSAk12 community by ensuring the support our PREP participants. These are a vital part of the SASSAk12 community! We could not provide the many diverse activities and new educational modules without the volunteers who contribute their time and creativity, both in the classroom and online.
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Young Forest: Leading the Way for a Growing Community
Young forests are an important step towards opening habitat to welcome and support plants and animals of various types and sizes. This is the first step towards expanding upwards, opening up vertical spaces within which animals and plants may find food and a home. Though seemingly small in size, even the smallest young forest habitat will provide diverse wildlife, especially birds, with a place to safely nest and feed their young.
At this level of contribution, you can support SASSAk12 in expanding our reach to a variety of communities and learning environments (in schools and for the public) with engaging activities that can be completed as part of a classroom or at home with your family.
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Mature Forest: Expanding Opportunities for a More Diverse Community
Mature forests are a product of a long period of stability and investment for trees to not only enter this habitat, but to grow into large, long-lived trees within a very stable environment and community. This represents the next step in a growing, complex, and diverse community that is resilient, provides protection to wildlife (and us!) by keeping the environment clean, and encourages even more biodiversity.
At this level of contribution, you can help us to invite and support researchers, partners, schools, and communities from beyond Minneapolis.
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Climax Forest: Supporting a Vibrant Community from the Ground Up
Climax communities, like the beautiful redwood forests of the Pacific Northwest, may appear limited in the diversity of their communities, but in reality provide home from the ground up for abundant life forms. From mosses and lichens inhabiting the massive buttressed trunks to hanging mini-forests of ferns, mammals, and reptiles making a home in the canopy, these forests provide a stable vertical home and community that can withstand nearly any challenge.
At this level of contribution, you can provide long-term stability and support for the SASSAk12 community!
Setup recurring donations by clicking below!